Christmas skit in Mailly-le-Château
The children of the catechism, parents and parishioners gathered for the traditional Christmas skit in Mailly-le-Château this third Sunday of Advent. On the program: first the parish mass, then the play and finally a friendly meeting with the distribution of a surprise bag to all the children present.
The theme of the play was this year the life of Élise Bisschop, former catechist of our village, who died with a scent of holiness in 1964. The play represented her life and two of her Christmas poems.
Church life was immediately put under the banner of her motto: "Smile at everyone and everyone out of love for Jesus". Enlarged photos were attached to a rope as his life unfolded. Already very ill, she said: "Mary, in your hands I place my suffering body". It was at this point in the story that a small Christmas image was distributed to everyone.
Two texts were read after: the "Annunciation" and "Christmas Carillon". The children then represented the Annunciation as it was painted by Father of the Church. The Christmas Carillon finally introduced us to the event of the Birth of Jesus: "A duty urges us, said Elise: We will be the sowers of your joy Lord! "
Thank you to Mrs. Marie-Madeleine PELLERIN for having produced the scenario as well as the magnificent decor!