The appearance of the article on the homily of the funeral

To his letter, revealed in 2007, Father Girard had attached a notice written by Mr. the Curé of Châtel Censoir in his parish bulletin. In fact, this notice was an account of Elise's funeral on the front page of the parish newspaper.

The article was a transcription of the homily of the funeral which had been held by Father Générat, former parish priest of Mailly-le-Château. The editor-in-chief, Father Pierre Van Ede, had put this homily in the issue of the month following Élise's death, and therefore in the May 1964 issue.

Father Van Ede had also known Élise; to report the homily so well, to have the text, he too had to be present at the funeral.

This is a really important fact because the testimony of her spiritual father is very precious. Since her departure Élise had written letters to her several times a year. When he died in Saint-Florentin in 2001, all his correspondence disappeared with the sorting of papers.

Father Générat showed in his homily the holiness of Elise: very simple but all given to God since the age of 11. She lived faithfully to this childhood commitment.

After the astonishing arrival of the article it will be necessary to wait 6 years, June 2016, so that also the originals of the letters resurface, they too in a totally unexplained way!

There are now four priests who made a point of paying homage to Élise by their words and their writings.